Join us in raising
awareness and continuing
support to addicts and families of addicts
On Thursday March 10 Addiction Awareness of Steuben County hosted their first informational event. There were people in attendance from all over Steuben county as well as Pennsylvania, including Assemblyman Phil Palmesano and Senator Thomas O’Mara. The evening began with the presentation of the plaque to the Addison Volunteer Fire Department. The plaque was to recognize all their support and dedication in helping Addiction Awareness of Steuben County bring awareness to the disease of addiction. Three people in recovery spoke about their struggles during addiction and how this group has helped not only them but their families as well. Group Facilitator Teresa Haight served as the Emcee for the evening as well as told of her experience with the group. Group Leader Jaime Dyke spoke about silencing the stigma that surrounds people and families suffering from addiction. Michelle Anderson and Ryan Bailey from Rural Metro were on hand to speak about signs of addiction as well as signs of overdoses. Greg Lake from probation spoke on the legal ramifications of drug use. Senator O’Mara and Assemblyman Palmesano both spoke about battling this epidemic at a state level. Pam Jenkins from Recovery Revolutions also spoke, as the group originally formed from the group Pam formed in Pennsylvania. OIC Sellard and Officer Grover from the Addison Police Department attended the meeting as well as a Deputy Brooke Payne. Deputy Payne spoke about why she does what she does as far as the drug epidemic in Steuben County. At the end of her presentation a gentleman stood up and shocked the whole room when he told her he was the father of a young man that Deputy Payne and Deputy Todd Terwilliger had saved using a combination of Narcan and CPR. The room went completely silent, Deputy Payne maintained her composure but there was barely a dry eye in the building at that moment. This reiterated the need for Narcan training in Addison which will be happening in April, currently the class is full with many members of the Fire Department as well as the Police department getting the certification. We will be looking into future trainings. Addiction Awareness of Steuben County’s goal is to bring awareness as well as support throughout Steuben County. We cannot not thank the Addison Volunteer Fire Department enough for all they do for this group. We appreciate all everyone that spoke at this event as well as those who attended.
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If you would like to host an informational session in your area or start a support group please contact us for details.